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Showing posts from May, 2019

Mental Health - Three books I read when I need help

I think it's safe to say, mental health is something a lot of people deal with, whether it's fleeting or it's constant, it's something we all find difficulty with. My mental health was in a very bad place last year, and luckily I've been able to (mostly) claw myself out of some serious trouble. Having said that, some days I get a little overwhelmed, and my mental state plummets. Today it happened, and without going into details, I started to stress and think that everything was getting worse and worse. It wasn't, of course, but you still can't help but feel as though it's the end of the world when you're in that type of mood. So instead of basking in it and spiralling more, I thought I'd do a blog post about three books that I've found either help me when I'm feeling like I'm in a bad way, make me forget for an hour or so when I start reading, or just understand what I'm going through without me having to realise? I'm

Spoiler Free Review: In an Absent Dream

Title: In an Absent Dream (Book 4 in The Wayward Children Series) Author: Seanan McGuire Publisher: Tor Books Publishing Date: January 8th 2019 Goodreads blurb: This fourth entry and prequel tells the story of Lundy, a very serious young girl who would rather study and dream than become a respectable housewife and live up to the expectations of the world around her. As well she should. When she finds a doorway to a world founded on logic and reason, riddles and lies, she thinks she's found her paradise. Alas, everything costs at the goblin market, and when her time there is drawing to a close, she makes the kind of bargain that never plays out well. Review: This is technically the eighth book I've read from Seanan McGuire (four of which are under her pen name, Mira Grant) and honestly, I find it difficult to say which is my favourite series, this or the Newsflesh series. I think it's fascinating as to how Seanan McGuire is able to craft a story, especiall

Spoiler Free Book Review: Other Words for Smoke by Sarah Maria Griffin

Title: Other Words for Smoke Author: Sarah Maria Griffin Publisher: Titan Books Publishing Date: April 2nd 2019 Goodreads blurb: The house at the end of the lane burned down, and Rita Frost and her teenage ward, Bevan, were never seen again. The townspeople never learned what happened. Only Mae and her brother Rossa know the truth; they spent two summers with Rita and Bevan, two of the strangest summers of their lives... Because nothing in that house was as it seemed: a cat who was more than a cat, and a dark power called Sweet James that lurked behind the wallpaper, enthralling Bevan with whispers of neon magic and escape. And in the summer heat, Mae became equally as enthralled with Bevan. Desperately in the grips of first love, she'd give the other girl anything. A dangerous offer when all that Sweet James desired was a taste of new flesh... Review: This isn't the first time I've tried to read a book by Sarah Maria Griffin. I tried to read

Books I've Read In 2019 So Far...

I have read 26 books so far in 2019, which is more than I usually read. Since I've already read a lot this year, I wanted to give a summary of the books that I have read so far, a mini summary of what the books are, and what I thought of them. Let's start with January! In January I read 7 books. 1. Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman I listened to Thunderhead on audiobook, and thoroughly enjoyed it, it was a fantastic sequel, it's such an interesting concept, also the writing is super well done. It had me on the edge of my seat, and I'm so glad that book three is coming out soon! 2. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo This was a reread for me, but I really enjoyed it. I jumped between the audiobook and the physical book, and it was a joy to read. The audiobook was so great because all of the narrators were incredible, and it was just fun to know what was going to happen (for the most part, it was a book I'd read a year or two ago) but still be surpris

A thought on book blogs...

There are many times that I've tried to sit down and start a book blog. This is my fourth or fifth attempt. And each and every time I do, I fail miserably because I don't have the time or the energy to keep it up, or I haven't been reading enough to warrant it, or I don't read the right books...which I know is ridiculous because we can read whatever we want...but I guess I'm just hesitant that people will judge me. Anyway, I end up saying that I'm going to write more and I end up just failing. With this in mind, a friend of mine does a book blog and for the past few months has been telling me that I should get to writing one and that because I read so much it should be something I love. And I've honestly wanted to get back into it. So, because it is my birthday tomorrow I decided to try it out again, do at least two posts a week for the next year and see how it goes. I'm not putting pressure on myself, I'm not trying to get myself to stress abou